Church & Parish Records
Church Records come in so many varied types. Some will help you discover more about your house and others are more appropriate for discovering more about the families who lived in it.
Parish Registers

The Parish Registers are the records that will help you trace the lives of residents through their key family events. The records of births, marriages and burials plus the Bishop’s Transcripts can date back to 1538. However, the early Parish Registers although vital for tracing a family were initially not helpful in finding property details, but that changed in the 19th Century when the residence was included in the register, albeit in many cases the address could be quite vague.
If you would like to know more about these records we recommend you read -
England & Wales Family Search England
Scotland Family History
Ireland. Church Records
The church was responsible for much more than recording Births, Marriages and Deaths and there are lots of other records in what is called the Parish Chest – the records that the church or parish were responsible for keeping – and some are listed here.
- Vestry Minutes
- Poor and Other Rates (seexxx)
- Bastardy Bonds
- Churchwarden’s Accounts
- Settlement and Removal Records
- Apprenticeship Records (See xxxx)
- Militia Certificates
- Workhouse Accounts
We recommend your read this article setting out the role of Church Records.
Search Church and Religious records on Find My Past
Glebe Terriers
Glebe Terriers are records relating to church property, such as the rectories and vicarages, but will also include any farms and other buildings belonging to the church. Some Terriers contain maps and notes about a property. These records are normally kept at the Diocesan Registry or Record Office although some can be found at the Local County archives.
Cathedral Records Cathedral RecordsIn Cathedral Cities some land and properties were owned by the Dean and Chapter and often these records include leases, plans and descriptions of houses and are kept at the diocese office.
The HouseLand Registry
Maps Manorial Records Other Records Postcards & Photos Enclosures Books & House histories Church & Parish Records |
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